Amish Soap

amish soap

Our amish soap  is a quality handmade natural bar soap carefully prepared with a secret family recipe handed down for generations. It is handcrafted with a cold process that is produced under very low temperatures and cured for over a month before being cut into bars. It is made with as much turn of the century wooden equipment as possible and uses natural, non-irritating, vegetable based ingredients that have no carcinogens. It is gentle on the skin but very cleansing. It works great for washing the body, shaving and shampooing hair. It is also pet friendly.

Pure and Natural: The Art of Making Amish Soap

DIRECTIONS: Combine all of the ingredients except for the lye in a large pail, stir gently. Add lye slowly, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens into a uniform consistency (this is called saponification). A spoon dropped into the soap will leave a trail that disappears under the surface. Once this happens the soap is ready to pour. Then add the desired soap fragrance and powdered oatmeal and stir until well mixed. Let it sit a few days, stirring frequently for the first 1 1/2 hours and every hour after that. This helps the soap set up better.

This natural soap is a wonderful alternative to commercial soaps and is safe for use on sensitive skin. It has a clean fragrance and lathers up very nicely. It is very gentle but cleanses thoroughly, even removes odors like garlic. It is good for all skin types and conditions and is especially beneficial for people with eczema, psoriasis and other dermatological conditions. It is also a great alternative for anyone who is concerned about the effects of harsh chemicals on their skin and the environment.